Hey there, all you beautiful night owls and relentless overachievers! I have a confession to make — I’m a secret member of the ‘Sleep is for the Weak’ club. Yes, that club you join when you feel every moment you spend snoozing is a moment …
To Bra or Not to Bra – Should You Sleep with a Bra?
Every woman at some point in her life asks herself the question, “Should I sleep with a bra?” Whether you’ve decided to set your babies free or keep them confined to a bra at bedtime, let’s shed some light on this topic. I was sleeping …
Reduce Stress: You Need to Know About Lemon Balm Tea
It’s not a secret that stress and its negative side effects can have detrimental consequences on your health and wellbeing. If you’re looking to reduce stress, you need to know about lemon balm tea. When you’re stressed, nothing is ok and even the smallest problems …
IPSY vs BoxyCharm: Which is Better?
IPSY vs BoxyCharm: Which is Better? If you find yourself asking this question, then this blog is for you. Are you always looking for the newest beauty trends, but don’t want to blow your budget? Are you searching for the perfect gift for a makeup …
Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow vs Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz!
I decided to do this comparison after being sold on the Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade while at my local Sephora store. (Yes, I know, I’m a pushover when it comes to makeup) The sales lady said she used it herself and proceeded to attempt …
Kimberly’s Fave! The Best Lip Moisturizer
Beautiful, healthy, youthful lips. We all want them, yet we still neglect them. Think about it. When it comes to skincare, we often give all our attention to our face, hands, and body, while our lips are left to fend for themselves. The truth is, …
Honest Beauty 3-in-1 Detox Mud Mask Review
Hey there beauties! Are you ready to dive deep – and I mean pore-deep – into the world of skincare? Does your skin feel like its in need of a mini-vacation or a quick refresh? Could you use a little spa-like pampering after a long …
13 Ways to Make Your Eyes Pop
If you want to know how to make your eyes stand out, keep reading to discover 13 ways to make your eyes pop. Without saying a word, your eyes reveal all your secrets. Whether you are tired, hung over, have been crying, are getting older, …
How to Get Curly Hair in 5 Easy Steps
No, this is not one of my many makeup tutorials. This blog post is all about hair! So, what do you do when you don’t feel like blow…
Grow hair fast and stop hair fall with Fenugreek Seed Water. This Indian recipe has been around for the longest time and is known to…
19 Easy Ways to Look Better Instantly
You are reading this blog because you are looking for easy ways to look better instantly. In this article I will share some easy tips and tricks that you may find helpful and might not have thought of. And no… These are not just beauty …
Eyelash Ultimate Guide! Insane Lashes with Kiss Falscara – Video
Hi beautiful people! Get ready to be amazed! I am super excited to share this no-brainer eyelash hack with you using the KISS Falscara…